FGA can now enjoy shooting indoor rounds inside, with our Thursday evening shoots at Heathfield Leisure Centre. Our first round was on Thursday 12 September.
We had our first robin hood of the season within 2 ends!
Members should check the diary and join in the completely weather free shooting.
Friars Gate Archers were a resident of Buxted Sports Association for over 35 years, but as cricket had started to take priority, and the archery club were forced onto the corner of the playing field, we were sadly required to find somewhere else to call home.
After finally leaving Buxted we spent time shooting target in a less than ideal but not at all windy Fletching, where we normally shoot field throughout the year.
In February 2022, after a long search we found that nearby Barnsgate Manor had a grazing field that was available for our use.
A Planning application was submitted for change of use to the field, and was approved on 27 September 2022, ready for the terms and other legal bits to be prepared.
On the weekend of 13-14 March 2023 club members began the process of moving sites from our temporary target shooting in Fletching, and setting up home at Barnsgate.
The base for the new club shed was measured and laid out with railway sleepers, ready for the shed to be installed later in the week.
The shooting line was marked up and distances measured with survey and geolocation equipment, so there can be no arguments about the distances being wrong!
On Thursday 16 March the first arrows were shot by long standing club member Jim, and by committee member Ivan.
The shed being put together.
We look forward to a brand new start for Friars Gate Archers!
We have today 27 September heard that Wealden District Council granted planning permission for Friars Gate Archers the prospective use of the field at Barnsgate Manor Vineyards including the installation of a temporary amenity building.
Now all we need is the lease to be agreed with the owner.
Congratulations to the Barebow A and Compound Teams, who both won their Divisions!
Frostbite Results
Recurve A came 3rd in Division 1, Recurve B came 2nd in division 8.
Compound won Division 4
Barebow won Division 2
The Portsmouth league was abandoned after 2 months although badges have been awarded based on the scores received.
Recurve A won Div5, Recurve B won Div9, and Compound won Div3. The Longbow team lost tto 1066 Archers A by one point (1615 to 1616).
Christmas Eve saw Julie and I setting out the course for the Festive Shoot at Fletching.
It was supposed to be a quick job just replacing the faces. However nature had other ideas, and we had to move one target due to a tree falling down in front of it.
Storm Bella arrived during Saturday night and I dreaded what we might find. Sunday dawned bright, dry, a little chilly to start with the sun appearing as the morning progressed. It was very wet underfoot with the lakes and banks being flooded.
Eleven archers turned up and thoroughly enjoyed shooting two rounds at novelty Christmas target faces.
We held our second Halloween shoot on Sunday October 25 th at our woodland site near Fletching.Due to covid-19 restrictions we were limited to a maximum of 28 entrants who turned up despite the promise of rain. However apart from a shower half way round we managed to complete the 28 targets without getting too wet.
The course comprised of ten speciality Halloween faces and four foam zombie heads, photos of which can be seen in the photos section
For those who have not heard, we have put in place Covid-19 procedures to comply with “AGB Returning to Archery phase two”, keeping FGA members safe whilst enjoying your archery.
There are written procedures on display both at Buxted and Fletching explaining the use of club equipment, and PPE equipment.
Allowing for social distancing there is a reduced number of members permitted to shoot at the same time, so FGA is running timed shooting slots at Buxted, to book your shooting slot contacting Dave Webster via mail@friarsgatearchers.com slots can be booked for individuals or family bubbles.