Friars Gate Archers

Archery Club in East Sussex

Field Archery

Field archery involves shooting at monochrome targets, coloured pictures of animals or life sized foam animals. These can be either from marked or unmarked distances and necessitates walking from one target to the next.

We currently have three field venues

One is level woodland, one is a river valley, and the third is a combination of the other two.

Friars Gate Farm 

What3words: home.dictation.crucially 

During October and March, once a month on a Sunday we meet at the farm and shoot at pictures of animals in a river valley setting. Wellingtons are vital. Please arrive at 8.45 am so that we can commence shooting at 9am.


TN22 3SA
What3words: anchorman.whites.covertly

Throughout the year on every third Sunday we shoot at animal pictures in a level woodland setting. Walking boots are vital. Please arrive at 8.45 am so that we can start at 9am. We also shoot Tuesday evenings during the summer, check website calendar for further details.  


What3words: flip.outermost.taking

Every third Sunday during the summer we shoot at life sized foam animals.
This site is particularly arduous. Walking boots are vital. Please arrive at 9:30am so that we can start shooting at 10:00 am. 

If you wish to become an associate field member please check out the details on our membership page.

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